who are my shoes travel?

my shoes will show you their life in australia. my shoes will also create a connection between you and their music.


the drums - let's go surfing

the drums - let's go surfing by downtownmusic
copyright © the drums
all rights reserved

my shoes stayed on the beach while i was surfing in torquay, about an hour and 40 minutes away from the centre of melbourne.

my shoes and the first beach where we surfed.

my shoes and still the beach and the blue sky.

my shoes are not on this picture, they were taking it.

my shoes and the second beach where we surfed. the waves were way bigger this time.

my shoes and their boards.

my shoes taking a picture of me surfing.

my shoes and a very cool beach close to torquay.

my shoes and the front beach of torquay.


  1. ouai... j'ai une video alternative pour le clip... je devrai peut être la mettre en ligne... =D
