who are my shoes travel?

my shoes will show you their life in australia. my shoes will also create a connection between you and their music.


flatwound - super space dope funk

flatwound - super space dope funk by myshoestravel
copyright © flatwound
all rights reserved

my shoes at the croft institute, a very original bar in town. the band flatwound was playing live this day.

my shoes in one of their favourite bar in melbourne.

my shoes and some lab phials. basically the purpose of the bar is a sort of scientific laboratory.

my shoes and some drinks.

my shoes love nature. some visuals while a band is performing.

my shoes love art.

my shoes......

my shoes watching (in the dark) the band flatwound.

my shoes and some cool graffitis outside the bar.

my shoes still outside.

my shoes ordering the special cocktail "the syringe".

my shoes and two cocktails now.

my shoes and lots of bottles.

my shoes and one of the lab shelf.

my shoes and other weird tubes.

my shoes feel like they are back to school for a chemistry lesson.

my shoes miss college.

my shoes at the exit of the bar.

my shoe and the poster of the night.

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